Qigong – pronounced ‚Chee-gong’, is a mind-body and spiritual practice that has its roots in Chinese medicine and is also considered one of the main pillar of Chinese medicine. Qigong is often translated as life force energy or vital energy cultivation. The name is made up of two parts. The first part “Qi” translates as energy, and the second part “Gong” translates as work or ability. So qigong is a practice that we use to work with energy or develop skills in using it.

The qigong practice and skill can be used to enrich every aspect of our life, and has a long history of being applied to many different activities. Historically the main applications were divided into three categories:

– health & healing

– martial arts & peak performance

– spirituality & wisdom.

And especially today, this approach fits very well in our way of life. 

Qigong is beneficial to our mental and physical health through mindful posture, movement and breathing techniques. It can improve muscle strength, balance, cardiorespiratory fitness and cognitive performance. It can strengthen the immune system and help with sleep and reduce Cortisol Levels. 

Qigong is also a spiritual path, to really be aware of the connection between our mind, body and the energies in our selves and around us and the environment. 

All exercises are performed consciously and combine gentle, meditative, flowing movements with the synchronisation of breathing. While it physically works your body, it calms the mind and elevates your spirit.


We will practise the exercises outside in the fresh air and no previous experience is necessary.

Maybe you feel like moving and breathing consciously and focusing the mind throughout, to feel relaxed yet energised, then join me in outdoor qigong